
Cord Pagenstecher
Photo Albums. Autobiographical Narrations,
in: Approaching Historical Sources in their Contexts: Space, Time and Performance, ed. by Sarah Barber and Corinna Peniston-Bird, Routledge 2020, 207-223, http://dx.doi.org/10.4324/9781351106573-12
> Fotoalben: Autobiographische Erzählungen


Private photo albums are a widespread and meaningful source for cultural and social history and many neighboring disciplines. Unlike published images in commercial advertising or political propaganda, private photography has scarcely been analyzed, and even less so photo albums as its main archival and viewing context. Private photo albums tell individual life stories, they constitute family narrations which are determined by complex patterns of perception and representation, and often remain open for different interpretations. Becoming popular in nineteenth century bourgeoisie, they reached their creative and numerical climax in the second half of the twentieth century. Taking two examples from German history of the Second World War and the post-war economic miracle, this chapter seeks to understand the private functions of creating family albums, and to analyse their narrative structures.

Dr. Cord Pagenstecher. Geschichte - Digital - Forschung - Bildung

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